Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mi Amorcito

So I literally have the best husband in the world!!! Let me tell you why. Today I had an appointment at the hospital to get an ECO done (all is well, just a follow up), so I woke-up, looked out the window only to see EVERYTHING covered in snow. The roads were a mess. I checked the news only to find that even the main roads were nasty. Now, if you know me then you know that I absolutely hate driving in the snow...it gives me anxiety. So I got ready, hoping that in the 30 minutes all the snow would melt from the roads and that it would stop snowing altogether. Well it didn't. I called Ty to ask him how the roads by the hospital had been this morning (since he drives that way to work). He told me that they were yucky...and the anxiety started. While we were talking about it there was a noise at the side door (which kinda freaked me out a bit). I went to see what it was and in walked my cute hubby!!! He got off work to come pick me up and take me to my appointment so I didn't have to drive in the snow. How amazing is he?!! The appointment went well and I even got my H1N1 shot..woo hoo I know! So to my husband...YOU ARE THE BEST.
